Pastor John is a native of Seattle who has been ministering for over 24 years. He is a servant leader with a heart for both the congregation and community.
Elders & Deacons
Hyon Han
Hyunju Han
Bruce Kim
Steve Chun
Nathan Kim
Sunday worship director
Oversees of all aspects of Sunday morning worship services including media, sound, and creative arts.
Melodie Song
Praise and worship director
Leads and coordinates all aspects of the worship experience to create an atmosphere of reverence, engagement, and spiritual growth through music and worship.
Jessica Lin
Bridge ministry director
Cultivates a vibrant, authentic, and Spirit-led ministry for the Bridge life stage which includes all post-grad, singles, engaged, and some marrieds.
Ministry Leaders
Andrew Kim
Care leader
Leads care ministry to foster fellowship within our community.
Nguyen Nguyen & Emily Han
Crossroads care leaders
Leads Crossroads care to foster fellowship for the college community.
Esther Yeo
Freshmen care leader
Leads fun events for college Freshman and helps them get plugged into the community.
Sunjoo Oh
Sunday service snacks leader
Leads post-service snacks for continued fellowship after Sunday service.
Toby Sohn & Lindsey Kim
Media (creative) leaders
Leads Lifeway's multimedia content, photography, and social media.
Nathan Kim
Media (production) leader
Leads Lifeway's worship needs by managing sound, lights, smoke, visuals and much more for Sunday service and events.
Minshin Kim
Outreach leader
Leads events such as volunteering, fundraising, and more to bridge the gap between Lifeway and the Austin community.
Christine Ahn & Toby Yi
Prayer leaders
Leads the church through prayer by leading worship nights such as Lifeline, CNOW, EMP, and more.
Melodie Song
Praise leader
Leads the praise team for Sunday service and other Lifeway events such as morning prayer, retreats, etc.