Life groups

Sharing life and sharing Christ. At Lifeway, we believe life is better together! We grow our relationships with God and with each other through life groups, which are organized by different seasons of life: Crossroads, Bridge, and Harvest.  

Why do we do life groups?
We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.
(1 Thessalonians 2:8)

To provide an environment for sharing lives to support and to spur one another towards growth in Christ. We believe that we learn best in the context of small groups.

Ultimately, our hope is that our life groups will move people toward a greater relationship with Christ and to transform people into the image of Jesus.
What happens during a life group?
Dinner: Fellowship over food
Worship: One to two worship songs as we enter God’s presence
Word Time: Discussion on the past Sunday’s Bible passage
Sharing Time: Pulse check on how everyone’s doing in their faith journey
Prayer: Share any prayer requests and pray for each other
What is the life group cycle?
Life group cycles go from the beginning of August until the end of May. June and July are our rest months, where we continue to grow with the rest of the Lifeway congregation, outside of a life group setting.
When do life groups meet?
Crossroads: Friday 7 – 10pm
Bridge: Wednesday or Friday 7 – 10pm
Harvest: Saturday or Sunday afternoons 
What is the commitment level?
Life group members will give priority to attending life group over other events, and will communicate with their shepherd(s) if they are unable to attend that week.

Life group is a space to grow deeper with a smaller community beyond Sunday services, therefore members will also be expected to attend Sunday service at Lifeway.
What are the expectations for life group members?

Scripture – All studies will be grounded in Scripture. The Word of God will be our final authority.

Environment – To create a safe space where people are heard, feel loved (no quick answers, snap to judgement, or simple fixes), and to keep anything that is shared confidential and within the group.

​Spiritual health – Group members have permission to speak into our lives and help us to live a healthy, Christ-centered life that is pleasing to God.

Relationships – We are committed to building relationships by getting to know each other and praying for each other regularly.

Multiplication – We will invite our friends who don’t know Christ and warmly welcome newcomers. We understand the importance of helping others get plugged into community and making disciples for Christ. As we grow both spiritually and in numbers, we understand that multiplication will be necessary. 

Which life stage are you in?


This includes our post-high school adults, college students, whether they are currently enrolled in a college or are taking a gap year.


This includes our post-undergrad young adults, engaged couples, and married couples.


This includes our married couples, mature adults, and families with children.